Kunstwerk: Zonder titel

Suze May ShoSuze May Sho
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Kunstwerk: Pyke Koch

Suze May ShoSuze May Sho
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Kunstwerk: Gert Robijns

Suze May ShoSuze May Sho
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Kunstwerk: Gerard Byrne

Suze May ShoSuze May Sho
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Kunstwerk: Pascale-Marthine Tayou

Suze May ShoSuze May Sho
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Kunstwerk: Rots

… central to Effert's work. Characteristic of these landscape photos is that he always tries to show human intervention or in some other way suggests it. ‘junk nature' plays a major role in … very familiar images of urban society are given colour and sound, and in such a way that they should almost certainly be seen as being romantic. Abandoned, in all likelihood neutral pieces … or ignore every day, acquire an intensified, emotional value.” In the photo “Rock”, a rock is shown which been photographed with backlighting. Because this bright light is bright yellow and …
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Kunstwerk: Grow shop

… Erik van Lieshout … Erik van Lieshout …
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Kunstwerk: Zonder titel

… individualist die gevangen zit in een anonieme omgeving. Vermeule geeft hem weer als in een snapshot: zonder verhaal, expressie of betekenis. Hij is er gewoon. Koen Vermeule (Goes, 1965) … individualist who is trapped by an anonymous environment. Vermeule portrays him as if in a snapshot: without storyline, expression or meaning. He is simply there. … Koen Vermeule … Koen …
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Kunstwerk: Machinegeweer expl view

… Atelier van Lieshout … Atelier van Lieshout …
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Kunstwerk: Stad/huis(collage)

… Rien Monshouwer … Rien Monshouwer …
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